Jean-Claude Falmagne (949)-824-4880
JCF obtained his undergraduate degree at the University of Brussels in 1959. In the course of his graduate training, which also took place at the University of Brussels, he became interested in mathematical psychology, and also in applied (industrial) psychology. He received his Ph.D. in 1965. The topic of his dissertation concerned the construction and the application of stochastic models for reaction times. Between 1966 and 1969, JCF held a number of post doctoral positions and visiting appointments at various universities in the US (University of Pennsylvania, University of Wisconsin and University of Michigan). During that period, his scientific interests grew larger, and he started investigating some theoretical problems in psychophysics and measurement theory. He went back to Europe in 1969 and taught at the Universities of Brussels and Paris for a couple of years. In 1971, JCF returned to the US as a Professor of Psychology at New York University. He remained at NYU until 1989, when he joined the Department of Cognitive Sciences and the Institute of Mathematical Behavioral Sciences at the University of California at Irvine.
2005 | Doctor Honoris Causa in Science of the University of Graz, Austria |
2004 | Falmagne Symposium (a celebration of his 70th birthday) Annual meeting of the EMPG, University of Ghent, Belgium, September 2-4 North American Falmagne Festschrift Meeting (a celebration of Falmagne's 70th birthday) Ann Arbor, University of Michigan, August 1-2 |
1994 | Fellow of the Society of Experimental Psychologists Member of the New York Academy of Sciences |
1993 | Recognized as a `Friend of NSERC' by the National Science and Engineering, Research Council of Canada and Janos D. Aczel |
1988-1989 | President of the Society for Mathematical Psychology, Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences |
1985 | Member of the Adhoc Committee on "Measurement and Scaling" NRC |
1982-1983 | von Humboldt Award |
1977 | Fellowship from Deutsche Forschungs-Gemeinschaft |
1973-1974 | Guggenheim Fellowship |
1966-1967 | Fulbright Fellowship and U.S. Government Fellowship |
My research is marked by a systematic effort to apply mathematics, and in particular the axiomatic method, combinatorics, functional equation techniques, and probabilistic models to the analysis of behavioral science phenomena. This led me to work mostly in six areas, with substantial temporal overlap. The first four of them pertain to classical topics of research for mathematical behavioral scientists. As made clear by the bibliography section, many of the papers and the majority of the monographs or edited volumes mentioned below were co-authored with colleagues or students. My collaboration with Jean-Paul Doignon, with whom I have worked since the beginning of our respective careers, is especially noteworthy.
Reaction latencies. Around 1955, there was much interest in understanding the effect of the probability of stimuli on the reaction latencies. A popular model at the time was based on information theory in the sense of Claude Shannon, with the concept of the human subject as a channel of communication. This lead to relate average reaction latencies to stimulus probabilities via entropy measures. Using stochastic models inspired by those in vogue in learning theory, I was able to show that these probability effects were, at least in some situations, entirely explainable by sequential effects (see [1], [2], [6], and [11]).
Psychophysics. On a ground well prepared by the work of Luce and Galanter, I strived to formalize classical Fechnerian psychophysics in a modern language influenced by the progress in measurement theory and also benefitting from functional equations techniques. This led to experimental work extending classical results and to the proposal of a new psychophysical law in [75]. The following other papers are relevant to this line of research: [4], [8], [9], [12], [13], [16], [18], [24, [33], [34], [60], [62], [75], [88], and [95]. Much of this work is summarized in the long paper [60] and in the monograph [B1] published in 1985, which was revised and reprinted in 2002.
Measurement theory and philosophy of science. In the line of works by Luce, Suppes, and others, I have developed axiom systems for various fundamental measurement structures. One preoccupation, prompted by applications in the behavioral sciences, was the case in which the domain of the measurement structure was bounded on both sides, that is, bounded above and away from zero. Relevant papers are [5], [7], [9] and [10]. Any fundamental measurement structure is an ordered structure which can be formalized in a variety of ways depending on the situation, merging thus fundamental measurement theory with combinatorics. Several papers describe results my efforts in this area (cf. [3], [23], [29], [30], [36], [51], [56], [67], [80], and [91].) I also tried to give a theoretical account of possible errors of measurement by extending the framework of fundamental measurement to include probabilistic representations (see [12], [14], [17], [19], [22], and [31]). An essential concept in the formal description of scientific theories, related to measurement, is the `meaningfulness' of scientific statements (such as the physical laws), that is, the invariance of such statements with respect to changes of the units of the variables. Typically, from a strictly formal standpoint, common scientific statements are not meaningful in that sense. Their invariance is implicit, rather than intrinsic to the formalism. First in [25], written with Louis Narens, and then more systematically and with more generality in [90], I have began the development of a formal framework for the statement of meaningful scientific statements. Such a framework leads to more general axiomatizations of the theories, possibly giving a better insight on their empirical foundation. Much remains to be done in this area, such as clarifying the relationship between meaningfulness and dimensional invariance.
Probabilistic choice theory. In static choice, that is, without consideration of a possible temporal evolution, the most notable result is presented in [15], in which I solved a problem of representing multiple choice probabilities by inequalities involving random variables. This problem was raised by the economists Block and Marschack almost 20 years earlier. Other papers in the same category of static choice are [14], [26], [47], [49], [50], [59], [64], and [74]. Probabilistic choice can also be studied from the standpoint of the evolution of preferences over time, leading to stochastic models of choice. A particular application concerns the the evolution of the preferences of potential voters in a political election, as revealed by panel data. Relevant papers are [66], [68], [70], [72], and [98].
The last two areas are original endeavors.
Knowledge spaces and learning spaces. The foundation paper is [32], written jointly with Jean-Paul Doignon. We presented there a formal framework for the assessment of knowledge, for example of students learning arithmetic or algebra. This framework was combinatoric in character, and as such insufficient for a practical assessment, which is unavoidably plagued with careless errors on the part of the test takers. This paper was the beginning of a systematic development which is continuing today. Many papers were written, dealing with all the pieces of a practical assessment system. In particular, it was essential to create a stochastic framework for the description of the evolution of an assessment, question by question. Many papers in the reference section are relevant to this development. The high points are [35], [41], [42], [43], [48], [57], [58], [71], [76], [82], [93], [99], and [100]. Much of the results are presented in the monograph [B4], by Doignon and Falmagne. (A much expanded revision will be published as [B7].) This work led to the creation of a web based system called ALEKS which is used today in more than 700 schools and universities in the US and abroad. This line of research is now being pursued by many investigators mostly in Austria, Germany, and the Netherlands.
Media Theory. Mathematical structures used in both knowledge space theory and combinatoric choice theory can be generalized in the form of a semigroup of transformations on a set of states. This system is defined by two axioms and is called a {\sl medium}. Such a generalization is not gratuitous because it enables many results obtained in media theory have applications in many diverse mathematical structures. For example, a learning space can be represented as a special case of a medium. The main papers describing the results are [69], [77], [85], [87] and [97]. A monograph on this subject, jointly written with David Eppstein and Sergei Ovchinnikov, has been published by Springer (see [B6]) .
[B1] Elements of Psychophysical Theory. J.-Cl. Falmagne. Clarendon Press -- Oxford University Press, New York, 1985. A revised paperback edition was published by Oxford University Press, New York, in 2002.
[B2] Mathematical Psychology: Current Developments. J.-P. Doignon and J.-Cl. Falmagne. Springer-Verlag, New York, 1991.
[B3] Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 41, 1997. Special issue in the honor of R. Duncan Luce, Editors: J. Droesler, J., Batchelder, W.H. and J.-Cl. Falmagne.
[B4] Knowledge Spaces. J.-P. Doignon and J.-Cl. Falmagne. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1999.
[B5] Lectures in Elementary Probability and Stochastic Processes. J.-Cl. Falmagne. McGraw-Hill, New-York, 2003.
[B6] Media Theory. D. Eppstein, J.-Cl. Falmagne and S. Ovchinnikov. Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics. Springer-Verlag. 2007.
[B7] Learning Spaces. J.-P. Doignon and J.-Cl. Falmagne. A much expanded version of [B4] with a change of focus. In preparation. To be published by Springer-Verlag.
[B8] Knowledge Spaces: Application in Education. Editors: D. Albert, C.W. Doble, D. Eppstein, J.-Cl. Falmagne, and X. Hu. In preparation.
[1] Stochastic Models for Choice Reaction Time with Application to Experimental Results. J.-Cl. Falmagne, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 2(1), 1965, 77-124.
[2] Note on a Simple Property of Binary Mixtures. J.-Cl. Falmagne, British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 21(1), 1968, 131-132.
[3] Composite Measurement. A. Ducamp and J.-Cl. Falmagne, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 6(3), 1969, 359-390.
[4] The generalized Fechnerian problem and discrimination. J.-Cl. Falmagne. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 8(1), 1971a, 22--43.
[5] Bounded Versions of Holder's Theorem with Application to Extensive Measurement. J.-Cl. Falmagne, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 8(4), 1971, 495-507.
[6] Biscalability of Error Matrices and All or None Reaction Time Theories. J.-Cl. Falmagne, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 9(2), 1972, 206-224.
[7] Sufficient Conditions for an Ordered Ring Isomorphism onto a Positive Subinterval: A Lemma for Polynomial Measurement. J.-Cl. Falmagne, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 10(3), 1973, 290-295.
[8] Foundations of Fechnerian Psychophysics. J.-Cl. Falmagne, In: Contemporary Developments in Mathematical Psychology Vol.II, Measurement, Psychophysics and Neural Information Processing. Eds. D.H. Krantz, R.C. Atkinson, R.D. Luce and P. Suppes. San Francisco: Freeman, 1974.
[9] Difference Measurement and Simple Scalability with Restricted Solvability. J.-P. Doignon and J.-Cl. Falmagne, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 11(4), 1974, 473-499.
[10] A Set of Independent Axioms for Positive Holder Systems. J.-Cl. Falmagne, Philosophy of Science, 42(2), 1975, 137-151.
[11] Two-Choice Reactions as an Ordered Memory Scanning Process. J.-Cl. Falmagne, S.P. Cohen and A. Dwivedi, In: Attention and Performance V Eds. P. Rabbit and S. Dornic. New York: Academic Press, 1975, 296-344.
[12] Random Conjoint Measurement and Loudness Summation. J.-Cl. Falmagne, Psychology Review, 83(1), 1976, 65-79.
[13] Weber's inequality and Fechner's Problem. J.-Cl. Falmagne. Journal of Mathematical Psychology}, 16(3), 1977, 267--271.
[14] Probabilistic choice behavior theory: Axioms as constraint in optimization. J.-Cl. Falmagne. In F. Restle and J. Castellan, editors, Cognitive Theory. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Hillsdale, New Jersey, 1978a.
[15] A Representation Theorem for Finite Random Scale Systems. J.-Cl. Falmagne, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 18, 1978, 52-72.
[16] Binaural Loudness Summation: Probabilistic Theory and Data. J.-Cl. Falmagne, G. Iverson and S. Marcovici, Psychology Review, 86(1), 1979, 25-43.
[17] On a Class of Probabilistic Conjoint Measurement Models: Some Diagnostic Properties. J.-Cl. Falmagne, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 19(2), 1979, 73-88.
[18] Conjoint Weber's Law and Additivity. J.-Cl. Falmagne and G. Iverson, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 20(2), 1979, 164-183.
[19] A Probabilistic Theory of Extensive Measurement. J.-Cl. Falmagne, Philosophy of Science, 47, 1980, 277-296.
[20] On a Recurrent Misuse of Classic Functional Equation Result. J.-Cl. Falmagne, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 23, 1981, 190-193.
[21] On building blocks of neural decision processes and the curse of psychology. J.-Cl. Falmagne. Review of D. Vickers: Decision Processes in Visual Perception. Academic Press, London, 1979. Contemporary Psychology, 26(4), 1981b, 271--272.
[22] Probabilistic measurement: Foundations and statistical issues. J.-Cl. Falmagne. Paper presented at the Soviet-American conference on decision models Tbilissi, Soviet Union, April, 1979. In F. Lomov, B.U. Krylov, N.V. Krylova, R.D. Luce, and W.K. Estes, editors, Normative and Descriptive Decision Models. Nauka, Moscow, 1981c.
[23] J.-Cl. Falmagne. Une constante: L'analyse des donn\'ees: Remarques sur la signification des erreurs dans les echelles de Guttman. Le Travail Humain, 1, 1982a, 65--70.
[24] Psychometric Functions Theory. J.-Cl. Falmagne, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 25(1), 1982, 1-50.
[25] Scales and Meaningfulness of Quantitative Laws. J.-Cl. Falmagne and L. Narens, Synthese, 54, 1983, 287-325.
[26] A Random Utility Model for a Belief Function. J.-Cl. Falmagne, Synthese, 57, 1983, 17-30.
[27] Short introduction to ARIS: An Automated Real-time Instruction System. J.-Cl. Falmagne, S. Marcovici, M. Pavel, and C. Chubb. Computers in Mathematical Sciences Education, 2(3), 10--13, 1983c.
[28] ARIS - A computer assisted instruction system. M. Pavel, S. Marcovici, A. Sherman, and J.-Cl. Falmagne. Behavior Research Methods and Instrumentation, 15(2):138--141, 1983d.
[29] Matching Relations and the Dimensional Structure of Social Choices. J.-P. Doignon and J.-Cl. Falmagne, Mathematical Social Sciences, 7, 1984a, 211-229.
[30] On Realizable Biorders and the Biorder Dimension of a Relation. J.-P. Doignon, A. Ducamp and J.-Cl. Falmagne, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 28(1), 1984b, 73-109.
[31] Statistical Issues in Measurement. G. Iverson and J.-Cl. Falmagne, Mathematical Social Sciences, 10(2), 1985a, 131-153.
[32] Spaces for the Assessment of Knowledge. J.-P. Doignon and J.-Cl. Falmagne, International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 23, 1985b, 175-196.
[33] Psychophysical Measurement and Theory. J.-Cl. Falmagne, In: Handbook of Perception and Human Performance, Eds. K. Boff, L. Kaufman and J. Thomas. New York: John Wiley, 1986a.
[34] Psychophysics, statistical methods in. J.-Cl. Falmagne. In Samuel Kotz and Norman L. Johnson, Editors; Campbell B. Read, Associate Editor. Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Volume 7. John Wiley, New York, 1986b.
[35] Languages for the Assessment of Knowledge. E. Degreef, J.-P. Doignon, A. Ducamp and J.-Cl. Falmagne, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 30(3), 1986c, 243-256.
[36] On the Separation of two Relations by a Biorder or Semiorder. J.-P. Doignon, A. Ducamp and J.-Cl. Falmagne, Mathematical Social Sciences, 11(3), 1987a, 1-18.
[37] Review of "Response times -- Their role in inferring elementary mental organization'' by R. Duncan Luce, Oxford University Press, 1985. J.-Cl. Falmagne. Science, 237:1060, 1987b.
[38] Knowledge assessment: a set-theoretic framework. J.-P. Doignon and J.-Cl. Falmagne. In B.~Ganter, R.~Wille, and K.E. Wolff, editors, Beitrage zur Begrieffsanalyse, Vortrage der Arbeitstagung Begrieffsanalyse, Darmstadt 1986, pages 129--140. B.I. Wissenschaftsverlag, Mannheim, 1987c.
[39] Stochastic procedures for assessing an individual's state of knowledge. M. Villano, J.-Cl. Falmagne, L. Johannesen, and J.-P. Doignon. Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer Assisted Learning in Post-Secondary Education, 1987d, pages 369--371,
[40] Propos sur la theorie du mesurage. J.-Cl. Falmagne. Mathematiques, Informatique et Sciences Humaines, 101, 1988a, 7--34.
[41] Parametrization of Knowledge Structures. J.-P. Doignon and J.-Cl. Falmagne, Discrete Applied Mathematics, 21 1988b, 87-100.
[42] A Class of Stochastic Procedures for the Assessment of Knowledge. J.-Cl. Falmagne and J.-P. Doignon, The British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 1988c, 1-23.
[43] A Markovian Procedure for Assessing the State of a System. J.-Cl. Falmagne and J.-P. Doignon, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 3, 1988d, 232-258.
[44] A Latent Trait Theory via Stochastic Learning Theory for a Knowledge Space. J.-Cl. Falmagne, Psychometrika, 54(2), 1989a, 283-303.
[45] Probabilistic knowledge spaces: A review. J.-Cl. Falmagne. In Fred Roberts, editor, Applications of Combinatorics and Graph Theory to the Biological and Social Sciences, IMA Volume 17. Springer Verlag, New York, 1989b.
[46] The European mathematical psychologists and their paperfest. J.-Cl. Falmagne. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 33(3), 1989c, 366--374. A review of Progress in Mathematical Psychology, Eddy Roskam and Reinhard Suck, North-Holland, Amsterdam: 1987.
[47] Binary choice probabilities and ranking. P. Fishburn and J.-Cl. Falmagne. Economics Letters, 31, 1989d, 113--117.
[48] Introduction to Knowledge Spaces: How to Build, Test and Search Them. J.-Cl. Falmagne, M. Koppen, M. Villano, J.-P. Doignon and L. Johannesen, Psychological Review, 97(2), 1990a, 201-224.
[49] Random Utility Representation of Choice Probability: A New Class of Necessary Conditions. Michael Cohen and J.-Cl. Falmagne, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 34(1), 1990b, 88-94.
[50] Uniqueness in Attribute Weigthing, and in Representation of Qualitative Probabilities. J.-P. Doignon and J.-Cl. Falmagne, In: Mathematical Psychology: Current Developments, J.-P. Doignon and J.-Cl. Falmagne (Eds.). New York: Springer-Verlag, 1991a.
[51] Bisector Spaces: Geometry for Triadic Data. J.-Cl. Falmagne and J.-P. Doignon, In: Mathematical Psychology: Current Developments. J.-P. Doignon and J.-Cl. Falmagne (Eds.) New York: Springer-Verlag, 1991b.
[52] Measurement theory and the research psychologist. J.-Cl. Falmagne. Psychological Science, 3(2), 1992, 88--932.
[53] A stochastic theory for system failure assessment. J.-Cl. Falmagne and J.-P. Doignon. In B. Bouchon-Meunier, L. Valverde, and R.R. Yager, editors, Intelligent systems with Uncertainty. North-Holland, Amsterdam, 1993a.
[54] Stochastic Learning Paths in Knowledge Structures. J.-Cl. Falmagne, Journal of Mathematical Psychology 37(4), 1993b, 489-512.
[55] Representations and Models in Psychology. P. Suppes, M. Pavel and J.-Cl. Falmagne, Annual Review of Psychology, 45, 1994a, 517-544.
[56] A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Unidimensional Unfolding Representations. J.-P. Doignon and J.-Cl. Falmagne, Journal of Algorithms, 16, 1994b, 218-233.
[57] Finite Markov Learning Models for Knowledge Structures. J.-Cl. Falmagne, In: Contributions to Mathematical Psychology, Psychometrics, and Methodology. G.H. Fischer and D. Laming (Eds.), New York: Springer Verlag, 1994c.
[58] Knowledge Assessment: Tapping Human Expertise by the QUERY Routine. M. Kambouri, M. Koppen, M. Villano and J.-Cl. Falmagne, International Journal for Human-Computer Studies, 40, 1994d, 119-151.
[59] The Monks' Vote: A Dialogue on Unidimensional Probabilistic Geometry. J.-Cl. Falmagne, In: Patrick Suppes, Scientific Philosopher, Paul Humphreys (Ed.). Kluwer Academic, 1994e.
[60] Mesurage, Modeles Mathematiques et Psychophysique. J.-Cl. Falmagne, In: Traite de Psychologie Experimentale, M. N. Richelle, M. Robert, and J. Requin (Eds.), Paris: Presses Universitaires de France, 1994f.
[61] Stochastic learning paths---estimation and simulation. J.-Cl. Falmagne and K.~Lakshminarayan. In G.H. Fischer and D.~Laming, editors, Contributions to Mathematical Psychology, Psychometrics, and Methodology. Springer Verlag, New York, 1994g.
[62] On the Interpretation of the Exponent in the `Near-Miss-to-Weber's-Law. J.-Cl. Falmagne, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 38(4), 1994h, 497-503.
[63] Knowledge assessment via the web. N. Thiery, E. Cosyn, D. Lauly, L.-J. Yu, and J.-Cl. Falmagne. Technical Report MBS 95-18, Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Science, UC Irvine, 1995.
[64] Random Utility Models for Approval Voting. J.-Cl. Falmagne and M. Regenwetter, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 40(2), 1996a, 152-159.
[65] Technical Note: Errata to SLP. J.-Cl. Falmagne, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 40(2),1996b, 169-174, 497-503.
[66] A Stochastic Theory for the Emergence and the Evolution of Preference Structures. J.-Cl. Falmagne, Mathematical Social Sciences, 31, 1996c, 63-84.
[67] Well Graded Families of Relations. J.-P. Doignon and J.-Cl. Falmagne, Discrete Mathematics, 133, 1997a, 35-44.
[68] Stochastic Evolution of Rationality. J.-Cl. Falmagne and J.-P. Doignon, Theory and Decision, 43, 1997b, 107-138.
[69] Stochastic Token Theory. J.-Cl. Falmagne, Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 41(2) 1997c, 129-143.
[70] A Stochastic Model for the Evolution of Preferences. J.-Cl. Falmagne, M. Regenwetter and B. Grofman. In Choice, decision and Measurement: Essays in the Honor of R. Duncan Luce, A.A.J. Marley (Ed.), Mahwah, New Jersey: Erlbaum, 1997d.
[71] Meshing Knowledge Structures. J.-.Cl. Falmagne and J.-P. Doignon. In Recent Progress in Mathematical Psychology, C. Dowling, F. Roberts, and P. Theuns (Eds.), Mahwah, New Jersey: Erlbaum, 1998.
[72] A Stochastic Model of Preference Changes and its Application to 1992 Presidential Election Panel Data. M. Regenwetter, J.-Cl. Falmagne and B. Grofman, Psychological Review, 2 1999a, 362-384.
[73] Consistency of Monomial and Difference Representations of Functions Arising from Empirical Phenomena. J. Aczel and J.Cl. Falmagne, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 234(2) 1999b, 632-659.
[74] Combinatoric and Geometric Aspect of Some Probabilistic Choice Models---A Review. J.-P. Doignon, J.-Cl. Falmagne and M. Regenwetter. In FUR VIII VOLUME, Mark J. Machina and Bertrand Munier (Eds.). New Jersey: Kluwer Academic, 1999c.
[75] Compatibility of Gain-Control and Power Law Representations. J.-Cl. Falmagne and A. Lundberg, Aequationes Mathematicae, 58 1999d, 1-10.
[76] ALEKS, an application of knowledge space theory. J.-Cl. Falmagne, Electronic Notes in Discrete Mathematics, 58 1999e, Tutorial given at the OSDA98, Amherst, MA.
[77] A Primer on Media Theory. J.-Cl. Falmagne, in Human Center Processes, Philippe Lenca (Ed.). Proceedings: 10th Mini EURO Conference, , 1999f, pages 497-499.
[78] Patrick Suppes---Scientific Philosopher and Mathematical Psychologist. J.-Cl. Falmagne. In The Encyclopedia of Psychology, E.Kazdin (Ed.), New York: Oxford University Press, 2000a, pages 8B-345-6.
[79] Functional Equations in the Behavioral Sciences. J. Aczel, J.-Cl. Falmagne, and D. R. Luce. Japonica Mathematica, 52 (3), 2000b, 469-512.
[80] Almost Connected Orders. C.W. Doble, J.-P. Doignon, J.-Cl. Falmagne, and P. Fishburn. Order, 18(4), 2001a, 295--311.
[81] Mathematical Models: Mathematical Psychology. J.-Cl. Falmagne, in International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier Science, 2001b.
[82] Markov Processes in Knowledge Spaces. J.-Cl. Falmagne, in International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, Elsevier Science, 2001c.
[83] Functional equations problems in the social and behavioral sciences. J.-Cl. Falmagne. Proceedings to the 38th International Symposia on Functional Equations, Noszvaj, Hungary, 2001d.
[84] Problem 23. J.-Cl. Falmagne. Proceedings to the 38th International Symposia on Functional Equations, Noszvaj, Hungary, 2001e.
[85] Media Theory. J.-Cl. Falmagne, and S. Ovchinnikov. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 121, 2002a, 83--101.
[86] Functional measurement, meaningful scientific laws, and the size-weight illusion. J.-Cl. Falmagne. Technical Report MBS 02-06, Institute for Mathematical Behavioral Science, UC Irvine, 2002b.
[87] Algorithms for media. D. Eppstein and J.-Cl. Falmagne. ACM Computing Research Repository, 2002c. cs.DS/0206033.
[88] Recasting (the Near Miss to) Weber's law. C.W. Doble, J.-Cl. Falmagne, and B. Berg. Psychological Review, 110(2), 2003a.
[89] Extensions of Set Functions. S. Ovchinnikov J.-Cl. Falmagne. Mathware & Soft Computing, 10(1), 2003b, 5--16.
[90] Meaningfulness and order invariance: two fundamental principles for scientific laws. J.-Cl. Falmagne. Foundations of Physics, 9, 2004a, 1341--1384.
[91] What can we learn from the transitivity parts of a relation? J.-P. Doignon and J.-Cl. Falmagne. Annales du Lamsade, 3, 2004b, 101--113.
[92] The tuning in-and-out model: a random walk and its application to presidential election surveys. Y.-F. Hsu, J.-Cl. Falmagne, and M. Regenwetter. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 49, 2005, 276--289.
[93] The assessment of knowledge, in theory and in practice. J.-Cl. Falmagne, E. Cosyn, J.-P. Doignon, and N. Thiery. In B. Ganter and L. Kwuida, editors, Formal Concept Analysis, 4th International Conference, ICFCA 2006, Dresden, Germany, February 13--17, 2006, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages 61--79. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York, 2006a.
[94] Mathematical Psychology---A Perspective. J.-Cl. Falmagne. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 49, 2006b, 436--439.
[95] Systematic covariation of the parameters in the near-miss to Weber's Law, pointing to a new law. C.W. Doble, J.-Cl. Falmagne, and B. Berg. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 502, 2006c, 242--250.
[96] A set--theoretical outlook on the philosophy of science. J.-Cl. Falmagne. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 50:45--52, 2007a. Review of Patrick Suppes, Representation and Invariance of Scientific Structures, CSLI Publications, Stanford, ISBN 1-57586-333-2. [
97] Mediatic graphs. J.-Cl. Falmagne and S. Ovchinnikov. arXiv:0704.0994v3 [math.CO]. Accepted for publication as a chapter in a volume honoring Peter Fishburn. 2007b.
[98] Stochastic applications of media theory: Random walks on weak orders or partial orders. J.-Cl. Falmagne, Y.-.F. Hsu, F.~Leite, and M.~Regenwetter. Discrete Applied Mathematics, 156(8):1184--1196, 2008a.
[99] On verifying and engineering the wellgradeness of an union-closed family. D. Eppstein, J.-Cl. Falmagne and H. Uzun. arXiv:0749.2910v3 [math-CO]. Accepted for publication in the Journal of Mathematical Psychology. 2008b.
[100] Projections and symmetric expansions of a learning space. J.-Cl. Falmagne. arXiv:0803.0575v1 [math-CO]. Submitted for publication in a volume honoring George Sperling. 2008c.
[101] Axiomatic derivation of the Doppler Factor for relativistic speeds. J.-Cl. Falmagne. arXiv:0806.0831v1 [math-ph]. To be submitted. 2008d.