Working Papers



“Tenant Riskiness, Contract Length, and the Term Structure of Commercial Leases” (with Stuart Rosenthal).


“Government-Directed Urban Growth, Firm Entry, and Industrial Land Prices in Chinese Cities” (with Wenhau Liu, Wei Xiao and Junfu Zhang).


“Default Costs and Repayment of Underwater Mortgages” (with James Conklin, N. Edward Coulson, and Moussa Diop).


“Decarbonizing Aviation: Cash-for-Clunkers in the Airline Industry” (with Matthew Kahn and Jerry Nickelsburg).


“Gauging the Effectiveness of Airline Schedule Buffers in Reducing Arrival Delays” (with Achim Czerny and Alberto Gaggero).


“An Evaluation of Developments in the Airline Industry since 2000,” forthcoming CPI Antitrust Chronicle.


“Aircraft Speed and Fuel Usage: Empirical Estimates with an Exploration of Environmental Speed Limits” (with Chrystyane Abreu).