Information Instructor: Kent Johnson
(learn about Kent here) Office Hours: Monday, Wednesday after class (and by
appointment) Office Location: SST 755
Text: We will continue to use the same notes as were
used in
the A component of this sequence. If you do not already have a
copy of
these notes, please let me know.
In terms of reading, we will cover, in
order, the following sections: 1, 2.2., 3.2, 4, 6.1, 7.3, 8.2, 9.
Background.The course sequence LPS/Phil
105/205 A, B, C
constitutes a single survey of mathematical logic.Although Part A will be useful in this course, we will not
develop or assume many of its finer details.However, it will be important that you have or quickly
ability to engage in mathematical reasoning. Also,
although it is not a prerequisite, students sometimes find it
useful to consult an introductory logic textbook.There
great many such books and many of them are
acceptable.Two of them are M.
Bergmann, J. Moor, J. Nelson: The Logic Book, McGraw-Hill,
edition, New York 1998, and I. Copi
and C. Cohen, Introduction to logic, 10th ed. Upper
River, NJ : Prentice Hall,
Studying.Acquiring skill
with logic requires more practice than rote memorization of facts.In addition to reading the relevant
of the textbook, you need to do the exercises in the chapters and/or
problems discussed in class.Please be
wary of thinking you have studied logic if you've only attended
and done
the required reading.Moreover, the
material in this course accumulates:the concepts discussed at the very beginning will be with us
until the
very end of the course.It is strongly
recommended that you take steps
to ensure that you do not get behind. You
be able to do all the problems at the end of each section that
we cover.
grade for the course will be based on some homeworks.