There will be three homeworks throughout the quarter, based on the material covered in class. Usually, these will be due 1 week after they are assigned. They must be turned in during class the day they are due for full credit, unless prior arrangements are made with the instructor through email.
Late assignments will be accepted, but will lose 10% of the total score possible on the assignment for every class session late (not every day late). This is to encourage you to do the assignments, as it is far preferable to work through the material late than never. Moreover, homework comprises a hefty portion of your grade, so please do it - even if it's late. Late assignments may be emailed to the instructor (in .doc or .pdf format).
There will be a midterm in class on 10/29/08. This will cover the material up until that point. The midterm questions will come from the review questions posted on the website for the topics covered. (Some of these questions may have even appeared in the homework.)
In addition, there will no makeup for the midterm unless you have an emergency (family, medical, etc.) that day, at which point you should contact the instructor as soon as possible afterwards and make arrangements. A doctor's note or some other form of "proof of emergency" will be expected in that situation. If you know ahead of time that you cannot take the midterm that day, you should contact the instructor beforehand to make arrangements to take it at some other time.
There will be a final from 1:30pm to 3:30pm on 12/12/08. This will cover the material presented throughout the quarter, with a focus on the material presented after the midterm. The final questions will come from the review questions posted on the website for all the topics covered. (Some of these questions may have even appeared in the homework.)
In addition, there will no makeup for the final unless you have an emergency (family, medical, etc.) that day, at which point you should contact the instructor as soon as possible afterwards and make arrangements. A doctor's note or some other form of "proof of emergency" will be expected in that situation. If you know ahead of time that you cannot take the final that day, you should contact the instructor beforehand to make arrangements to take it at some other time. Note that having more than 2 finals on that day is a valid reason to schedule the final for another time (most likely earlier in the week).