Teton Village, Jackson Hole, Wyoming

February 1 Ð February 6, 2004

Organizer:  George Sperling, University of California, Irvine


   Sunday, February 1:  5:00 - 5:30 pm***Reception***Registration, Snacks, and Refreshments.  Rimrock Room.

                                     5:30 - 8:00 pm***First Night Miscellany

Richard Shiffrin, Indiana U.  Skiing the Backcountry.

Misha Pavel, Oregon Health & Science University.  Computer-based Cognitive Assessment.

Steve Shevell, U. Chicago.  Assimilation Assimilation (with apologies to Chubb, Sperling & Solomon).

Randolph Blake, Vanderbilt U.  The Colorful Perceptual World of Synesthesia.

Shihab Shamma, U. Maryland.  Rapid Plasticity of Spectrotemporal Receptive Fields in Primary Auditory Cortex. 
Monday, February 2:  4:00 Ð 8:00 pm  Physiology
(Organized by Tatiana Pasternak)

Bill Geisler, U. Texas, Austin.  Transient Response Properties of V1 Neurons.

John Reynolds, Salk Inst.  Neural Mechanisms of Attention in Monkey Extrastriate Visual Cortex.

Tatiana Pasternak,  U. Rochester.  MT Neurons ÒKnowÓ About Behaviorally Relevant Motion Stimuli.

Alexander Wade, Smith-Kettlewell.  An fMRI Investigation of Coherent Flow Patterns.

Andrew Rossi, Vanderbilt U.  Top-down Deficits in Target Selection in Monkeys with Prefrontal Lesions.

Michael Shadlen, U. Washington.  A Neural Integrator for Decision Making.

Alexandre Pouget,  U. Rochester.  Relating Behavioral Performance to Population Codes in Networks of Spiking Neurons.

Tuesday, February 3:  4:00 Ð 8:00 pm  Development (Organized by Tony Movshon)

Lynne Kiorpes, NYU.  Development of Visual Motion Mechanisms.

Karen Dobkins, UC San Diego.  Development of Motion Processing in Human Infants.

Scott Johnson, NYU.  Rule Learning in Infancy.

Zoe Kourtzi, Max Planck Inst.  fMRI Studies of Plasticity in the Primate Visual Brain.

Michael Mustari, Emory U.  The Role of Early Visual Experience in Development of Oculomotor Behavior.

Tony Norcia, Smith-Kettlewell.  Experience Expectant Development of Contour Integration Mechanisms.

Zhong-Lin Lu, USC.  Fast Decay of Iconic Memory in Observers At Risk for AlzheimerÕs Disease.

Wednesday, February 4:  4:00 Ð 8:00 pm  Vision

Charles Chubb,  UC Irvine.  Human Visual Sensitivity to Contrast is Three-dimensional.

Jeff Mulligan, NASA Ames.  Polarization Analysis of the Eye Movement Correlogram.

James T. Enns, U. British Columbia.  Multiple Object Tracking is Scene-based, not View-based.

Maria Kozhevnikov, Rutgers U.  Spatial Versus Object Imagers:  A New Characterization of Visual Cognitive Style.

Adrian von Muhlenen, U. British Columbia.  Does Motion Capture Attention?

Michael Webster, U. Nevada.  Extrinsic Versus Intrinsic Adaptation.

George Sperling, UC Irvine. Long-Term Sensitization Produced by Brief Periods of Attention to a Feature.

Thursday, February 5:  4:00 Ð 8:00 pm  Adaptation (Organized by Ben Backus) 

Matteo Carandini, Smith-Kettlewell. Suppressive Fields and Adaptive Responses in Early Visual System.

Peter Lennie, NYU.  Some Peculiarities of Contrast Adaptation.

Norberto Grzywacz, USC.  Does Adaptation Optimize the Retina?

Tony Movshon, NYU.  Adaptation Properties of Neurons in Macaque MT.

David Heeger, NYU.  Wave of Activity in V1 Correlates with Waves of Dominance During Binocular Rivalry.

Clifton Schor, UC Berkeley.  Adaptable Coordination of Binocular Eye Alignment With Direction of Gaze.

Benjamin Backus, U. Pennsylvania.  Recalibration in Mechanisms for Measuring Relative Disparity.

**Brief Business Meeting**

Friday, February 6:  4:00 Ð 8:00 pm  Attention/Objects/Memory/Higher-order Cognition

Sharon Thompson-Schill, U. Pennsylvania.  What Do the Parietal Lobes Know About Objects?

Lynne Reder, Carnegie Mellon U.  The Effects of Midazolam in Visual Search.

Ken Malmberg, Iowa State U.  The Status of Single-process Models of Remember-Know Judgments: Misconceptions & Resolutions.

Richard Shiffrin, Indiana U.  Perceiving Words With Case and Color Without Using Case and Color.

Tim McNamara, Vanderbilt U.  Semantic Priming:  Beyond Spreading Activation and Compound Cues. 

Barbara Dosher, UC Irvine.  Mechanisms and Limits of Perceptual Learning:  Learning Luminance and Texture Objects.

Mark Steyvers, UC Irvine.  The Author-Topic Model:  A Generative Model for Documents Based on Authors and Documents.

* * * 8:20pm  Fireside Banquet at The Inn * * *


Greg Appelbaum, UCI                    Mark Gluck, Rutgers U.          Shane Mueller, Indiana U.               Adina Roskies, MIT

Harry Bahrick, Ohio Wesleyan       Holly Jimison, OHSU             Bennet Murdock, U. Toronto           Adam Sanborn, Indiana U.

Amy Criss, Indiana U.                    Son-Hee Lyu, UCI                   Tom Nelson, UMD                          Marilyn Smith, U. Toronto

James Elder, York U.                      Gail McKoon, OSU                 Roger Ratcliff, OSU                        Christoph Weidemann, Indiana U.

                                                                                                                                                                   Andrew Welchman, MPI