Sixteenth Annual Interdisciplinary Conference
Teton Village, Jackson, Wyoming
January 20 - 25, 1991

Organizer: George Sperling, New York University


Sunday, January 20: 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. *** Reception ***
Registration, Drinks and Snacks. In the Rimrock Room.
Rich Shiffrin, Indiana U., Trekking in the Karakormum (slide show)
George Sperling, NYU/UCIrvine., Videos of AIC15

Monday, January 21, 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. Computation & Vision
Misha Pavel, NYU, Models of Prediction: An Introduction and Review.
John Aloimonos, U. Maryland, Purposive Vision
Alex Pentland, MIT, Dynamic Vision
Jim Little, U. British Columbia, Interaction of Machine and Algorithm in Computational Vision.
Panel discussion: Pavel, Aloimonos, Pentland, Little.

Tuesday, January 22, 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. Depth and Motion Perception
Robert Patterson, Montana State U., The Search for Motion Perception at Cyclopean (Binocular) Levels.
Peter Werkhoven, NYU, Stroboscopic Motion Perception.
Randy Blake, Vanderbilt U., Misdirected Visual Motion Perception in the Periphery.
Hugh R. Wilson, U. Chicago, A Psychophysically Based Model for Motion Analysis in MT.
David Heeger, NASA-Ames Research Center, Visual Perception of Motion.

Wednesday, January 23, 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. Perceptual Processes
Bart Anderson, Harvard, Disambiguating Ambiguity in 3D. .\" Will mail his registration to NYU - verify receipt
David Brainard, U. Rochester, Sampling and Reconstruction in Human Spatial Vision.
.\" Cancelled, kid's illness: Steve Zucker, McGill U., Contrast, Contours and Cytochrome Oxidase.
Jitendra Malik, UC Berkeley, Curvilinear Grouping and Texture Segregation.
.\" Jim Enns, U. British Columbia, Rapid Recovery of Three-Dimensional Structure in Early Vision. CANCELLED
Terry Boult, Columbia. Symmetry and skew symmetry.
Jeff Mulligan, NASA-Ames , A Model of Subtractive Color Mixture and Color Transparency.

Thursday, January 24, 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. Memory-1. Computational Models and Retrieval Mechanisms.
Roger Ratcliffe, Northwestern U., Testing Global Memory Models using ROC Curves.
Richard Shiffrin, Indiana U., Models of Memory.
Bennet Murdock, U. Toronto, Chunking in a Distributed Memory Model.
.\" Cancelled, Ski injury: Janet A Metcalfe, Dartmouth, Recognition failure in the CHARM model
Barbara Dosher, Columbia U., Ensamble Models of Priming or Cuing in Memory Retrieval.
George Sperling, NYU, Attentional Filtering in Visual Short-Term Memory.
* * * Business Meeting * * *

Friday, January 25, 4:00 - 8:00 p.m. Memory-2.
Tim McNamara Vanderbilt, An Alternative Theory of Memory Priming.
David Zipser, UCSD, Neural Mechanisms of Cortical Short Term Memory.
Stan Smith, Good Samaritan Medical Center Portland Oregon, Activation Model for Memory Loss in Alzheimer's Dementia.
Geoffry Loftus, U. Washington, Why Degraded Visual Material is Harder to See and Remember.
George Wolford, Dartmouth, Practice Effects and Visible Persistence.
Bruce K. Britton, U. Georgia, Resolving Composite Mental Representations.

Other Registered Participants
Harry Bahrick, Newark, Ohio.
Gary Blazdel, Harvard Med.
Richard Block, Montana State University.
Darryl Bruce, St. Mary's U, Halifax NS.
Sheila Chase, Hunter College.
Mark Gluck, Stanford.
Gen. Haddad, AFOSR.
Eric Heinemann, Hunter College.
Holly Jimison, Stanford.
R. Krinsky, Colorado State U, Colo.
David Martin, NMSU
Ivo Mimica, U. Split.
Gail McKoon, Northwestern University.
Tom Nelson, U Washington.
Bennet Schwartz, Dartmouth.