Teton Village, Jackson Hole, Wyoming
January 14 - January 18, 1980
Organizer: George Sperling


Monday, January 14: 4:00 - 8:00 pm Sensory Processes (John Krauskopf, Chairman)

John Krauskopf, Bell Labs. The Measurement of the Effect of Photon Noise on Detection.
Ulker Tulunay-Keesey, U. Wisconsin. Everything You Wanted to Know About Stabilized Retinal Images.
Jim Zacks, Mich. State U. Some Uses and Misuses of Detection Thresholds.
Stanley Klein, Caltech. Simultaneous Detection and Recognition.

Tuesday, January 15: 4:00 - 8:00 pm Perceptual Processes (Geoffrey Loftus, Chairman)

Sheila Chase, Hunter College. Limitations on the Accuracy of Absolute Identifications.
Eileen Kowler, NYU, and George Sperling, NYU/Bell Labs. Stimulus Transients in Visual Search - Are They Necessary?
Geoffrey Loftus, U. Washington. Tachistoscopic Simulations of Eye Fixations on Pictures.
Dominic Bouwhuis, UCSD. The Dynamic Structure of Word Recognition in Reading.

Wednesday, January 16: 4:00 - 8:00 pm Models and Theories

Bob Ollman, Bell Labs. Choice Reaction Time Theory: Further Development on the Method of Additive Factors and the
Speed-Accuracy Tradeoff.
Steve Link, McMaster U. Measuring the Seriousness of Crime and the Severity of Punishment.
Ben Murdock, U. Toronto. CADAM and Scanning.
Rick Hayes-Roth, Rand Corp. Feature Manifolds: Principles for Organizing Receptive Fields to Achieve Coding Accuracy
and Support Learning.

Thursday, January 17: 4:00 - 8:00 pm Profound Papers (George Sperling, Chairman)

Tom Nelson, U. Washington. The Feeling of Knowing.
Walter Kintsch, U. Colorado. The Role of Pronominalization and Ellipses in Memory for Text.
George Sperling, NYU/Bell Labs. Some Problems in the Communication of American Sign Language.
Eric G. Heinemann, Brooklyn College. A Theory of Learning, Remembering and Decision Making by Pigeons.

** Brief Business Meeting **

Friday, January 18: 4:00 - 8:00 pm Memory and Planning

Phil Klahr, Rand Corp. A Computer Model of Reasoning Based on Intersection Searches.
Barbara Hayes-Roth, Rand Corp. Executive Strategies for Planning.
Gail Goodman, U. Denver. How the Action Schema Affects Attention.
Kirk Smith, Bowling Green State U. Paradoxical Memory: Implications for Theories of Memory.
Peter Killeen, Ariz. State U. A General Model of the Serial Position in Short-Term Memory.


Harry Bahrick, Ohio Wesleyan U.
Barbara Dosher, Columbia U.
Janice Keenan, U. Denver
Gail McKoon, Dartmouth Coll.
Ann Murdock, U. Toronto
Richard Olson, U. Colorado
Roger Ratcliff, Dartmouth Coll.
Walter Schneider, U. Illinois
Phil Shaver, NYU
Rich Shiffrin, Indiana U.
Perry Thorndyke, Rand Corp.