Sunday, January 2: 3:00 pm *** Reception ***
Sunday, January 2: 7:00 - 10:15 pm Texts, Discourses, and
Reading (Hans Brunner, Chair)
John Black, Yale U. What are the Links in Story
Jane Zbrodoff, U. Toronto. Writing Stories Under Time
and Length Constraints.
Hans Brunner, Indiana U. Context in Spoken Sentence Comprehension.
Miriam Schustack, Harvard U. Using Predictions in Reading.
Bruce Britton, U. Georgia. Allocation of Cognitive Resources
in Reading.
Mike Masson, U. Victoria. Assessing Comprehension During
Skimming and RSVP.
Monday, January 3: 4:00 - 5:00 pm Learning to Use Computers
(John Anderson, Chair)
5:15 - 7:30 pm Texts, Discourses, and Higher Processes
(Gail McKoon, Chair)
John Anderson, Carnegie-Mellon U. Learning to Plan in
Marc Sebrechts, Wesleyan U. Acquiring Text Editing Skill.
Gail McKoon and Roger Ratcliff, Yale U. Inference in Text
Richard Yekovich and Carol Walker, Catholic U. Effects
of Prior Knowledge on Text Comprehension.
Lynne Reder, Carnegie-Mellon U. Strategies and Effects
of Knowledge on Memory Search.
George Potter, U. Denver. Integration vs. Compartmentalization
in Memory for Discourse.
Tuesday, January 4: 4:00 - 5:00 pm Intelligence and Problem
Solving (David Klahr, Chair)
5:15 - 8:00 pm Reaction Time Models and Data (Steve Link,
Michael Gardner, U. Utah. Components of Human Intelligence.
David Klahr, Carnegie-Mellon U. Problem Solving in Preschool
Steve Link, McMaster U. Guessing About Guessing.
Bruce Bloxom, Vanderbilt U. Estimating Hazard Functions.
Greg Ashby, Ohio State U. A Biased Random Walk Model.
James Townsend, Purdue U. Perceptual Dimensions in Reaction
William Petrusic, Carlton U. Stochastic Counter Models.
Wednesday, January 5: 4:00 - 5:30 pm Clinical Memory (Laird
Cermak, Chair)
5:45 - 7:45 pm Metacognition (Tom Nelson, Chair)
Mary Naus and William Watters, U. Houston. Memory Under
Larry Squire, VA Medical Center, San Diego. Neuropsychology
of Memory.
Laird Cermak, VA Medical Center, Boston. Episodic and
Semantic Memory in Amnesia.
Tom Nelson, U. Washington. The Feeling of Knowing.
Daryl Bruce, Florida State U. Questions About Importance
of Memory Questions.
Harry Bahrick, Ohio Wesleyan U. Maintenance of Knowledge.
Earl Butterfield, U. Washington. Development of Metacognition
in Children.
Thursday, January 6: 4:00 - 7:45 pm Perception and Sensory
Processes (Carol Krumhansl, Chair)
Don Jamieson, U. Calgary. Long-Term Implications of Early
Unilateral Deafness.
Ovid Tzeng, UC Riverside. Language Lateralization and
Time Keeping.
Carol Krumhansl, Cornell U. Perceptual Structures for
James Cutting, Cornell U. Perception and Invariants.
Tom Harrington and Randall Aust, U. Nevada, Reno. Information
Processing from Moving Displays.
Bill Uttal, U. Michigan. Configuration Effects in Dotted
Form Perception.
Friday, January 7: 4:00 - 5:30 pm Attention and Information
Processing (Richard Shiffrin, Chair)
6:00 - 7:30 pm Imagery
Bill Johnston, U. Utah. Selectivity in Perception and
Richard Shiffrin, Indiana U. Repetition Effects and Word
Gordon Logan, U. Toronto. Attentional Control of Thought
and Action.
** Brief Business Meeting **
Ruth Maki, N. Dakota State U. Mental Rotation and Judgment
of Orientation.
Bob Weber, Oklahoma State U. Switching Time in Speech
and Imagery.
Peggy Intons-Peterson, Indiana U. Imaginal Priming.