Curriculum Vitae


Name: Lu, Zhong-Lin

Birth: November 19, 1967, Jing-Sha, Hubei, China.

Immigration Status: Permanent Resident (March 25, 1994)


	Department of Cognitive Sciences, SST-6 
	University of California 
	Irvine, CA 92717  
	Tel: (714) 824-3517    Fax:  (714) 824-2517 


Ph.D., Physics, 1992, New York University. Thesis title: Neuromagnetic Investigation of Evoked and Spontaneous Activity of Human Cerebral Cortex (Advisor: Samuel J. Williamson).

M.S., Physics, 1991, New York University.

B.S., Theoretical Physics, 1989, University of Science and Technology of China, thesis title: Berry Phase Factor --- multi-dimensional generalization, classic correspondence and application in optics (Advisor: Yong-De Zhang).


Assistant Researcher (Supervisor: George Sperling). Human Information Processing Laboratory, Department of Cognitive Sciences, University of California, Irvine. Study of visual perception, attention, image processing, and related mathematical problems. (September 1992 to present)

Postdoctoral Fellow (Supervisor: Samuel J. Williamson). Neuromagnetism Laboratory, Physics Department and Center for Neural Science, New York University. Study of sensory memory and attention using psychological paradigms and neuromagnetic recordings. (April 1992 to August 1992)

Graduate Research Assistant (Advisor: Samuel J. Williamson). Neuromagnetism Laboratory, Physics Department and Center for Neural Science, New York University. Investigation of spontaneous and sensory-related activity in human cerebral cortex by using high sensitivity Superconductive Quantum Interference Device (SQUID) to detect magnetic field on the surface of the skull. Studies include human short term auditory sensory store, functional organization of human auditory cortex, magnetic inverse problem, multi-modality combination of anatomical and functional image techniques (Magnetic Resonance Images and Magnetic Source Images). (September 1989 to March 1992)

Undergraduate Research Assistant (Advisor: Yong-De Zhang). Theoretical Group, Modern Physics Department, University of Science and Technology of China. Theoretical study of the non-integratable phase factors in Berry phase effect in quantum physics; theoretical possibility of cold fusion via proton binding in crystals. (September 1988 to June 1989)


Vision (Psychology 131A, Undergraduate Lecture Class, Winter, 1994. University of California, Irvine. Jointly taught with Professor George Sperling)

Sensory and Perceptual Processes (Psychology 130, Undergraduate Lecture Class, Summer, 1995. University of California, Irvine.)


Computational and psychophysical study of visual motion, texture, and attention; visual memory systems; computer image processing. Neurophysiological and neuromagnetic study of sensory and attentional processes.Visual neural networks. Brain Imaging.


Vision and visual perception; attention; human information processing; image processing; mathematics (algebra, statistics, linear analysis); computer programming.


System administrator for network containing Sun, NeXT, and PC (DOS/LINUX) computers.

Programming languages, applications: C (real-time systems programming), Fortran, Pascal, Splus, Matlab, Mathematica, Unix shell; numerous text and graphic processing systems. Experienced with multi-media real-time information presentation (visual, auditory, neuromagetic) and real-time control of data acquisition and analysis using DOS and Unix systems. Monitor Evaluation.


1991 - Dean's Dissertation fellowship, New York University (full graduate tuition plus stipend).

1991 - University fellowship, New York University (full tuition).

1989 - Meyer fellowship, New York University (full graduate tuition plus stipend).

1989 - University of Science and Technology of China. Special dispensation to finish five year program in four years.

1988 - National Competition: China-U.S. Physics Examination Application (CUSPEA). Awarded travel and living stipend for study in a graduate school of choice in the USA.

1986 - University fellowship, University of Science and Technology of China.

1985 - Mathematics, Physics, English competition, University of Science and Technology of China. One of the 30 students within the University granted the freedom to take any course in the university.

1985 - Combined award based on competitions below: Free admission to university of choice in China, waiver of entrance examination.

1985 - Combined award based on competitions below: Best student in Shashi City, waiver of all previous educational fees.

1984 - Winner of the second place in the National High School Students' Mathematics Contest in Hubei Province, China.

1984 - Winner of the third place in the National High School Students' Physics Contest in Hubei Province, China.


1990, Member of the American Physical Society

1992, Member of the Association for Research in Vision and Ophthalmology (ARVO)

1995, Member of the Society for Mathematical Psychology


Vision Research, AFOSR

August 25, 1995 at 9:29 AM