Read the paper “Achieving precise display timing in visual neuroscience experiments” by Tobias Elze: Journal of Neuroscience Methods 191 (2010) 171–179. This is available online and a PDF is linkerd here.
In class we wrote the function GenGrating (linked here). For the purposes of the rest of this assignment, the function as written has two related deficiencies. What is needed is a function that lets us specify a single frequency along with an orientation for the grating rather than separate horizontal and vertical frequencies. The current frequency arguments work as expected when only one of them is non-zero, as shown in panels A and B below. Also, as panel C illustrates, setting both frequency arguments to the same, non-zero value, produces a grating with a 45 degree orientation; however, the frequency of this tilted grating is the square root of 2 higher than what we might have expected. (Try comparing the distance spanned by 5 cycles of the grating in each figure.)
GenGrating(100, 100, 5, 0) |
GenGrating(100, 100, 7, 0) |
GenGrating(100, 100, 5, 5) |
Write a new function, GenGrating2, that fixes these problems and has the calling sequence:
Grating = GenGrating2(Size,
F, Ang)
Here Rows and Cols have been replaced with a single
argument, Size, so the resulting image matrices will be
square. The argument F is the frequency of the grating: i.e.,
the number of cycles of the grating across Size elements.
The argument Ang specifies the orientation of the grating
in radians. (Ang = 0 should produce a horizontal grating
with vertical bars.) Hint: completing this exercise will involve using some
simple trigonometry.
To view
your results, you will also need the show
function from class.
Gaussian-windowed sinusoidal gratings have been used for a dizzying array of different experimental investigations. These stimuli are often referred to as Gabor patches (or simply as Gabors) after the mathematician who expounded particular theoretical advantages of their mathematical form. As the figure below demonstrates, Gabors can be varied in many ways: e.g., size of the window, frequency the grating , and orientation of the grating. (There are other variations not shown here. For example, still considering static Gabors, the contrast of the frequency modulation can be varied and the the window can be an oriented ellipse, not just circular. Moving Gabors have also proven to be quite useful stimuli, as are Gabors in the grating moves relative to the window.)
Your task is to write a function that generates Gabors. The calling sequence should be
Gabor = GenGabor(Size, F, Ang, Sigma)
Thinking about a Gabor as a Gaussian-windowed sinusoidal grating, should help you to see that you can generate one easily simply by combining appropriately (ah, there's the rub – but it requires only a single, simple, arithmetic, operation!) the outputs of GenGrating2, which you just wrote above, and GenGaussBlob, which we wrote in class and is linked here. It may help to know that the upper, left Gabor above was produced with the call: GenGabor(100, 12, pi/4, 10).
Because Gabors can be manipulated on several well-defined physical continua, they would be useful as stimuli in a visual search experiment. The last part of this assignment is for you to write a function that generates stimulus arrays consisting of Gabors that might be used in such an experiment. Below is the calling sequence and description of the arguments such as might appear in the help section of the function you are to produce.
function canvas = MkGaborSearchArray(CanvasSz, GaborSz, Radius, StimSpecs)
% canvas = MkGaborSearchArray(CanvasSz, GaborSz,
Radius, StimSpecs)
% Construct a matrix in
canvas that can be used as the stimulus in a visual
% search experiment based on Gabors, created by GenGabor, as
% CanvasSz
- canvas is a square matrix, this determines the number of rows
% and columns it
contains. This should be an odd number.
% GaborSz
- The Gabors are generated in square patches. This
gives their
% size. This
should be an odd number.
% Radius - The center of e
ach of the Gabors is displayed on a circular
% locus at this radius from the center of
% StimSpecs
- This is a structure with one entry for each Gabor to be
% included in the stimulus. Each entry
should include the following
% elements.
% GaborAngle - The
angle, in radians, where the center of this Gabor
% should be displayed. An angle of 0
produces a stimulus directly
% above the center of the canvas. Positive
angles are clockwise from
% there.
% GratingFreq - The frequence of the Gabor grating.
% GratingAng - The
angle of the Gabor Grating.
% GaborSigma - The
speed of the intensity fall of in the Gabor grating
The example here was produced using the following code.
for i = 1:6
ss(i).GaborAngle = 2 * pi * (i-1)
/ 6;
ss(i).GratingFreq = 10;
ss(i).GratingAng = 4*pi/16;
ss(i).GaborSigma = 15;
ss(3).GratingAng = 6*pi/16;
canvas = MkGaborSearchArray(701, 101, 200, ss);
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