UC Irvine Economics Faculty: Jiawei Chen





Jiawei Chen







Research Interests

Industrial Organization, Econometrics, Finance


Journal Articles

Flavorants and Addiction: An Empirical Analysis of Cigarette Bans and Taxation,” with Colin Reinhardt, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 99 (2025), 103147.

An Empirical Model of the Effects of ‘Bill Shock’ Regulation in Mobile Telecommunication Markets,” with Lai Jiang and Saad Andalib Syed Shah, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 83 (2022), 102848.

Equilibrium Effects of Superstition in the Housing Market,” with Matthew Shum, Japanese Economic Review, Asia Pacific Industrial Organization Conference (APIOC) Special Issue, 70 (2019), 341-345.

Going Along or Going Independent? A Dynamic Analysis of Nonprofit Alliances,” with Michael Sacks, B.E. Journal of Economic Analysis & Policy, 18 (2018), 20170009.

Switching Costs and Network Compatibility,” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 58 (2018), 1-30.

How do Switching Costs Affect Market Concentration and Prices in Network Industries?Journal of Industrial Economics, 64 (2016), 226-254.

Estimation of the Loan Spread Equation with Endogenous Bank-Firm Matching,” Advances in Econometrics, 31 (2013), 251-289.

When Do Secondary Markets Harm Firms?” with Susanna Esteban and Matthew Shum, American Economic Review, 103 (2013), 2911-2934.
Supplemental material

Two-Sided Matching in the Loan Market,” with Kejun Song, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 31 (2013), 145-152.

Do Sales Tax Credits Stimulate the Automobile Market?” with Susanna Esteban and Matthew Shum, International Journal of Industrial Organization, 28 (2010), 397-402.

Estimating a Tournament Model of Intra-firm Wage Differentials,” with Matthew Shum, Journal of Econometrics, 155 (2010), 39-55.

Avoiding Market Dominance: Product Compatibility in Markets with Network Effects,” with Ulrich Doraszelski and Joseph Harrington, Rand Journal of Economics, 40 (2009), 455-485.

The Effects of Mergers with Dynamic Capacity Accumulation,” International Journal of Industrial Organization, 27 (2009), 92-109.

Demand and Supply Estimation Biases Due to Omission of Durability,” with Susanna Esteban and Matthew Shum, Journal of Econometrics, 147 (2008), 247-257.


Encyclopedia Articles

Price Discrimination,” with Matthew Shum, forthcoming in the Elgar Encyclopedia on the Economics of Competition, Regulation and Antitrust, Michael D. Noel (Editor). Cheltenham, UK: Edward Elgar Publishing.


Working Papers

Reassessing the Firm Selection Hypothesis: New Evidence from Chinese Highways,” with Yi Niu and Matthew Shum, revise and resubmit at American Economic Journal: Microeconomics

Reimbursing Consumers’ Switching Costs in Network and Non-Network Industries,” with Michael Sacks, revise and resubmit at Journal of Economics & Management Strategy

Substitution Patterns and Welfare Implications of Local Taxation: Empirical Analysis of a Soda Tax,” with Colin Reinhardt and Saad Andalib Syed Shah

Inflation, Market Power, and Markups: Evidence from the Airline Industry,” with Colin Reinhardt


Work in Progress

“A New Approach to Detecting the Firm Selection Effect of Market Size,” with Yi Niu

“What’s in a Lucky Number? A Dynamic Equilibrium Analysis of Superstition in the Housing Market,” with Seung-Hyun Hong and Matthew Shum

“Investment and Compatibility Dynamics in Markets with Network Effects,” with Ulrich Doraszelski and Joseph Harrington