This is our wonderfully ambitious schedule. We'll attempt to keep with it, but it is subject to modification.

Date Topic Notices &
Reference Material
1/8/18 Intro I

Review questions available for intro

HW1 available

1/10/18 Intro II

(1) Linguistic productivity
(2) Prescriptive and descriptive grammar rules
(3) Zipfian distributions in language
(4) Adult vs. child generalization
(5) Acquisition framework


1/12/18 Intro III

(1) Models for making theories explicit
(2) Model interpretation for theories
(3) Marr's levels: Cash register
(4) Marr's levels: PBJ sandwich


1/15/18 NO CLASS

Happy Martin Luther King Day!


1/17/18 Sounds I

(1) World Phonotactics Database Demo
(2) Categorical perception: English VOT
(3) Categorical perception: Identification task
(4) Categorical perception: Discrimination task
(5) Interpreting categorical perception from graphs: Cross-linguistic

Review questions available for sounds + sounds of words

HW1 due

HW2 available

1/19/18 Sounds II

(1) Infant categorical perception
(2) When sound change happens
(3) Maintenance & loss theory
(4) Maintenance & loss vs. Functional reorganization


1/22/18 Sounds III

(1) Dutch and English data distributions, part 1
(2) Maye et al. 2002 expt
(3) Maye et al. 2008 expt
(4) Switch task & Dietrich et al. 2007
(5) Dutch and English data distributions, part 2
(6) Cues in the input
(7) Sounds in context: Feldman et al. 2013 expt


1/24/18 Sounds of Words

(1) Stager & Werker 1997
(2) Werker et al. 2002
(3) Explaining Stager & Werker: Vocab size
(4) Explaining Stager & Werker 1997: Task difficulty
(5) Task difficulty: Fennell & Waxman 2010
(6) Familiar words
(7) Word position matters
(8) Thiessen & Yee 2010


1/26/18 Speech Segmentation I

(1) Transitional probability definition & minimum strategy
(2) Saffran, Aslin, & Newport 1996
(3) Cues in combination: familiar words & isolated words
(4) Vowel harmony as a cue
(5) Lexical stress cues
(6) Thiessen & Saffran 2007

Review questions available for speech segmentation

HW2 due

HW3 available


1/29/18 Speech Segmentation II

(1) Speech segmentation performance metrics
(2) Monosyllabic word sequences
(3) The Unique Stress Constraint with TrProb
(4) Bayesian speech segmentation
(5) Useful units in speech segmentation


1/31/18 Midterm Exam 1 Review
HW3 due

Come with questions to class


2/2/18 Midterm Exam 1
SSL 270 or wherever you have reliable internet access and can log into Canvas EEE

Make sure to have your notes available during the exam.

2/5/18 Word Meaning I

(1) Fast mapping overview
(2) Bayesian inference for cross-situational learning
(3) Smith & Yu (2008) expt
(4) Why more is not always harder
(5) Bayesian sequential updating

Review questions available for word meaning

HW4 available


2/7/18 Word Meaning II

(1) Suspicious coincidences and Bayesian inference
(2) Xu & Tenenbaum 2007 experiment - suspicious coincidences
(3) Xu & Tenenbaum 2007 data selection sensitivity
(4) Jenkins et al. 2015


2/9/18 Pragmatics I


(1) Ozturk & Papafragou 2015, Expt 1
(2) Ozturk & Papafragou 2015, Expt 2
(3) Ozturk & Papafragou 2015, Expt 3
(4) Stiller et al. 2015
(5) Brandone et al. 2015


2/12/18 Syntactic categories I (pdf)

(1) Syntactic category precision & recall
(2) Interpreting category precision & recall
(3) Getting better recall with FFs
(4) Wang & Mintz (2008) model

Review questions available for syntactic categorization

HW4 due

HW5 available


2/14/18 Syntactic categories II (pdf)

(1) Representation options
(2) Productivity and Zipfian distributions
(3) Calculating observed overlap
(4) Calculating expected overlap & comparing


2/16/18 Syntax I

(1) English anaphoric one
(2) LWF 2003: Anaphoric one experiment
(3) Anaphoric one input: ambiguous and unambiguous
(4) Interpreting model output

Review questions available for syntax and sentences

HW5 due

HW6 available


2/19/18 NO CLASS

Happy President's Day!

2/21/18 Syntax II

(1) Acceptability judgment stimuli
(2) Superadditivity
(3) Wh-dependency induction problem
(4) Container nodes
(5) Subjacency-ish strategy


2/23/18 Pragmatics II


(1) Quantifier scope
(2) Quantifier scope experiments: every-not
(3) Rational Speech Act framework
(4) Savinelli et al. 2017 results
(5) Musolino & Lidz 2003: Adults with two-not
(6) Savinelli et al. 2018 results


2/26/18 Midtern Exam 2 Review

HW6 due

Come with questions to class


2/28/18 Midterm Exam 2
SSL 270 or wherever you have reliable internet access and can log into Canvas EEE

Make sure to have your notes available during the exam

3/2/18 Poverty of the Stimulus I

(1) Evidence types
(2) How poverty of the stimulus indicates prior knowledge
(3) Nativists vs. linguistic nativists

Review questions available for poverty of the stimulus

HW7 available


3/5/18 Poverty of the Stimulus II

(1) Gerken 2006 + Bayesian inference
(2) Subset Problem
(3) Counterexamples and Gerken 2010


3/7/18 Structure I

(1) World Atlas of Language Structures demo
(2) Linguistic parameters

Review questions available for structure

HW7 due

HW8 available


3/9/18 Structure II

(1) Statistical vs. linguistic parameters
(2) Learning with parameters: Details
(3) Overhypotheses
(4) Dewar & Xu 2010
(5) Overhypotheses and structure-dependence: Perfors et al. 2011


3/12/18 Structure III

(1) Interacting parameters 1
(2) Interacting parameters 2
(3) Learning with parameterized grammars
(4) Unambiguous data issues: A solution


3/14/18 Structure IV

(1) English metrical phonology is hard
(2) Rational learning from acquisitional intake
(3) Productive data filter & the Tolerance Principle
(4) Using the Tolerance Principle

3/16/18 Final Exam Review
HW8 due

Come with questions to class


3/23/18 Final Exam
Locations available:
SSL 270
or wherever you have reliable internet access to log onto canvas EEE
Make sure to have your notes available during the exam.