Kenneth A. Small



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Research Interests

Transportation Economics
Urban Structure
Environmental Economics
Travel Demand Analysis

Selected Publications
king Paper

Recent Book

The Economics of Urban Transportation, 3rd edition (with Erik T. Verhoef and Robin Lindsey), London and New York: Routledge, June 2024.

This book is the third edition of Urban Transportation Economics.

Selected content, 3rd edition:

Table of Contents



Second edition is: The Economics of Urban Transportation (with Erik T. Verhoef), Routledge, 2007.

Selected content, 2nd edition (pre-publication draft):

Table of Contents

Chapter 2 "Travel Demand"

Chapter 6 "Industrial Organization of Transportation Providers"


Selected Articles

The elusive effects of CAFE standards,” ch. 11 of Transportation Policy and Economic Regulation: Essays in Honor of Theodore Keeler, ed. by John Bitzan and James H. Peoples, Elsevier, 2018.
  Link to published article (subscription required)

Endogenous Scheduling Preferences and Congestion,” (with Mogens Fosgerau), International Economic Review, 58(2): 585-615 (May 2017).

  Link to published article (subscription required)


Measuring Air Carrier Passengers’ Values of Time by Trip Component,” (with Steven Landau, Geoffrey D. Gosling, and Thomas Adler), Transportation Research Record: Journal of the Transportation Research Board, No. 2569 (2016), pp. 24-31.

        Link to published article (subscription required)


The Bottleneck Model: An Assessment and Interpretation, Economics of Transportation, 4:110-117 (2015).

        Link to published article (subscription required)


The Rebound Effect for Automobile Travel: Asymmetric Response to Price Changes and Novel Features of the 2000s” (with Kent Hymel). Energy Economics, 49: 93-103 (May 2015).

        Link to published article (subscription required)


Optimizing Road Capacity and Type,” (with Chen Feng Ng), Economics of Transportation, 3(2): 145-157 (2014). 

        Link to published article (subscription required)


Hypercongestion in Downtown Metropolis,” (with Mogens Fosgerau), Journal of Urban
, 76: 122–134, July 2013.
Link to published article (subscription required)


 Valuation of travel time,”  Economics of Transportation, 1: 2-14, Dec. 2012.
Link to published article (subscription required)


 Marginal congestion cost on a dynamic network with queue spillbacks (with Mogens Fosgerau), Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 46(3): 431-450, Sept. 2012.
Link to published article (subscription required)


Tradeoffs among Free-flow Speed, Capacity, Cost, and Environmental Footprint in Highway Design” (with Chen Feng Ng), Transportation, 39(6): 1259-1280, 2012.
       Link to published article (subscription required)


Spatial Hedonics and the Willingness to Pay for Residential Amenities (with Seiji Steimetz), Journal of Regional Science, 52(4): 635–647, Oct. 2012.
Link to published article (subscription required)


Energy Policies for Passenger Motor Vehicles,” Transportation Research, Part A – Policy and Practice, 46(6): 874-889, July 2012.
Link to published article (subscription required)


Induced Demand and Rebound Effects in Road Transport,” (with Kent Hymel and Kurt Van Dender), Transportation Research Part B – Methodological, 44, 2010 (pp. 1220-1241).
Link to published article (subscription required)


Private Provision of Highways: Economic Issues”, Transport Reviews, 30(1), 2010, pp. 11-31.
      Link to published article (subscription required)
           Longer version: Policy Study 17, Show-Me Institute, St. Louis, Missouri, Nov. 2008.


A Comment on ‘Subsidization of Urban Public Transport and the Mohring Effect’” (with Ian Savage), Journal of Transport and Economic Policy, 44(3), 2010, pp. 373-380..
      Link to pre-publication version (subscription required for full text).

"Should Urban Transit Subsidies Be Reduced?" (with Ian W.H. Parry), American Economic Review, 99(3), 2009, pp. 700-724.
 Link to published article (AEA membership required for full text).

"Urban Transportation Policy," in Robert P. Inman, ed., Making Cities Work: Prospects and Policies for Urban America, Princeton University Press, 2009, pp. 63-93.

“Urban Transportation,” In: Concise Encyclopedia of Economics, 2nd edition, David R. Henderson, editor, Indianapolis: Liberty Fund (2008), pp. 507-510.

Long run trends in transport demand, fuel price elasticities and implications of the oil outlook for transport policy,” (with Kurt Van Dender). In: Oil Dependence: Is Transport Running Out of Affordable Fuel?, Round Table 139, Paris: Joint OECD/ITF Transport Research Centre, Organisation of Economic Co-operation & Development and International Transport Forum, 2008, pp. 165-200.


 "Fuel Efficiency and Motor Vehicle Travel: The Declining Rebound Effect," Energy Journal, 28 (2007), pp. 25-51 (with Kurt Van Dender).

    Correction to published paper: Click here to see corrected numbers for total price elasticities of fuel consumption, and an explanation.
Working paper version (contains more details): UC Irvine Economic Working Paper No. 05-06-03
Link to published article (subscription may be required)

"Differentiated Road Pricing, Express Lanes, and Carpools: Exploiting Heterogeneous Preferences in Policy Design," Brookings-Wharton Papers on Urban Affairs, 2006, pp. 53-96 (with Clifford Winston and Jia Yan).
 Link to published article (subscription may be required)


"Does Britain or The United States Have the Right Gasoline Tax?" American Economic Review, 95 (Sept. 2005), pp. 1276-1289 (with Ian W.H. Parry).
Link to published article (subscription required)
      For more detailed working-paper version, click


"Uncovering the Distribution of Motorists' Preferences for Travel Time and Reliability: Implications for Road Pricing," Econometrica, 73 (July 2005), pp. 1367-1382 (with Clifford Winston and Jia Yan).
Supplementary Material has additional information.
Link to published article (subscription may be required)


"Valuing Time and Reliability: Assessing the Evidence from Road Pricing Demonstrations," Transportation Research Part A, 39, no. 4 (May 2005), pp. 279-293. (with David Brownstone).
Link to published article (subscription may be required)

Triple Convergence toward a Higher Gasoline Tax,” Weekly Policy Commentary, Resources for the Future, Nov. 20, 2009.

Edited Special Issues of Journals

"Chinese Urban Development," Urban Studies, 39(12), 2002.

"Evaluating Policies to Reduce Transportation Air Pollution," Regional Science and Urban Economics, 31(4), 2001.

Selected Older Journal Articles and Book Chapters

“Fundamentals of Economic Demand Modeling: Lessons from Travel Demand Analysis.” In: Wei Chen, Kemper Lewis, and Linda C. Schmidt, eds., Decision-Based Design: Making Effective Decisions in Product and Systems Design, New York: ASME Press (American Society of Mechanical Engineers), 2006, ch. 9, pp. 75-88.

"Road Pricing and Public Transport," in: Georgina Santos, ed., Research in Transport Economics, Vol. 9: Road Pricing: Theory and Evidence, Elsevier (2004), pp. 133-158
Non-technical description: "Road Pricing and Public Transit: Unnoticed Lessons from London, " in Access, Publication of University of California Transportation Center, No. 26 (Spring 2005), pp. 10-15.

"Product Differentiation on Roads: Constrained Congestion Pricing with Heterogeneous Users," Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 38 (2004), pp. 127-156 (with Erik Verhoef).
     Link to publisher
     Link to published article (subscription may be required)

"Hypercongestion," Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 37 (2003), pp. 319-352 (with Xuehao Chu).
     Link to published article (subscription may be required)

"Urban Spatial Structure," Journal of Economic Literature, 36 (1998), pp. 1426-1464 (with Alex Anas and Richard Arnott).
     Link to published article (subscription may be required)

"On the Costs of Air Pollution from Motor Vehicles," Journal of Transport Economics and Policy, 29 (1995), pp. 7-32 (with Camilla Kazimi).

"The Economics of Traffic Congestion," American Scientist, 82 (Sept./Oct. 1994), pp. 446-455 (with Richard Arnott).
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"`Wasteful' Commuting: A Resolution." Journal of Political Economy, 100 (1992), pp. 888-898 (with Shunfeng Song).
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     Link to published article (subscription may be required)

"Subcenters in the Los Angeles Region." Regional Science and Urban Economics, 21 (1991), pp. 163-182 (with Genevieve Giuliano).  
     Link to publisher

"Modeling Land Use and Transportation: An Interpretive Review for Growth Areas." Environment and Planning A, 20 (1988), pp. 1285 1309 (with Joseph Berechman). 
     Link to publisher

"Optimal Highway Durability." American Economic Review, 78, (1988), pp. 560-569 (with Clifford Winston).
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     Link to published article (subscription may be required)

  A Discrete Choice Model for Ordered Alternatives." Econometrica, 55 (1987), pp. 409-424.
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"The Incidence of Congestion Tolls on Urban Highways." Journal of Urban Economics, 13 (1983), pp. 90-111.
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     Link to published article (subscription may be required)

  The Scheduling of Consumer Activities: Work Trips." American Economic Review, 72, (1982), pp. 467-479.
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     Link to published article (subscription may be required)

“Applied Welfare Economics with Discrete Choice Models.” Econometrica, 49 (1981), pp. 105-130 (with Harvey S. Rosen).
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Selected Research Reports

Private Provision of Highways: Economic Issues, Policy Study 17, Show-Me Institute, St. Louis, Missouri,Nov. 2008.

A  Study to Evaluate the Effect of Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions on Vehicle Miles Traveled, Final Report to California Air Resources Board, March 2005 (with Kurt Van Dender).

Magazines, Newspapers

"Making HOT Lanes Sizzle," Washington Examiner, Opinion, July 5, 2005.

For working paper versions of many of my articles, see the list for my name, here.

For a complete list of publications, see my curriculum vitae.