Department of Cognitive Sciences Department of Logic and the Philosophy of Science
Abstract Measurement Theory. The MIT Press, 1985. |
Theories of Meaningfulness. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2002. |
Introduction to the Theories of Measurement and Meaningfulness and the Use of Invariance in Science. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2007. |
Theories of Probability: An Examination of Logical and Qualitative Foundations. London: World Scientific, 2007 |
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Symmetry, Direct Measurement, and Torgerson's Conjecture. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 50, 2006, 290–301. |
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A Theory of Belief for Scientific Refutations. Synthese, 145, 2005, 397–423. |
(Nelson, T., Dunlosky, J., & - - -) A revised methodology for research on metamemory: pre-judgment recall and monitoring (PRAM). Psychological Methods, 9, 2004, 53–69. |
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A theory of belief. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 47, 2003, 1–31. |
A meaningful justification for the representational theory of measurement. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 46, 2002, 746–768. |
The irony of measurement through subjective estimations. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 46, 2002, 769-788. |
(Barnes, A. E., Nelson, T., Dunlosky, J., Mazzoni, G., & - - -) An integrative system of metamemory components involved in retrieval. In G. Gopher and A. Koriat (Eds.) Attention and Performance XVII—Cognitive regulation of performance: Interaction of theory and application. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. 1999. Pp. 287–313. |
Surmising Cognitive Universals for Extraterrestrial Intellengences. In C.B. Cosmovici, S. Bowyer, and D. Werthimer (Eds.) Astronomical and Biochemical Origins and the Search for Life in the Universe. Bologna, Italy: Editrice Compositori. 1997. Pp. 561–570. |
On subjective intensity and its measurement. In A. A. J. Marley (Ed.), Choice, Decision, and Measurement: Essays in Honor of R. Duncan Luce. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates. 1997. Pp. 189–205. |
(Niederée. R., & - - -) Axiomatische Messtheorie. In E. Erdfelder, R. Mausfeld, T. Meiser, and G. Rudinger (Eds.) Handbuch Quantitative Methoden. Weinheim: Psychologie Verlags Union, 1996. Pp. 369–384. |
A theory of magnitude estimation. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 40, 1996, 109–129. |
(- - -, Graf, A., & Nelson, T.) Metacognitive Aspects of Implicit/Explicit Memory. In L. Reder (Ed.) Implicit Memory & Metacognition. Mahwah: Lawrence Erlbaum and Associates, 1996. Pp.137–170. |
(- - -, Jameson, K. A., & Lee, V. A.) Subthreshold Priming and Memory Monitoring. In J. Metcalfe and A. P. Shimamura (Eds.) Metacognition. Cambridge, Mass.: The MIT Press, 1994. Pp. 71–92. |
(Nelson, T. O., & - - -) Why Investigate Metacognition? In J. Metcalfe and A. P. Shimamura (Eds.) Metacognition. Cambridge,Mass.: The MIT Press, 1994. Pp. 1–26. |
(Nelson, T. O., Dunlosky, J., Graf, A., & - - -). Utilization of metacognitive judgments in the allocation of study time during multitrial learning. Psychological Science, 5, 1994, 207–213. |
The measurement theory of dense threshold structures. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 38, 1994, 301–321. |
(Luce, R. D., & - - -) Fifteen problems concerning the representational theory of measurement. In Paul Humphreys, (Ed.), Patrick Suppes: Scientific Philosopher, Vol. 2: Philosophy of Physics, Theory Structure, Measurement Theory, Philosophy of Language, and Logic. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1994. Pp. 219–245. |
(Luce, R. D., & - - -) Further comments on the “nonrevolution” arising from axiomatic measurement theory. Psychological Science, 4, 1993, 127–130. |
(Jameson, A., Nelson, T., Leonesio, R, & - - -) The Feeling of Another Person’s Knowing. Journal of Learning and Memory, 32, 1993, 320–355. |
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On the interpretation of strong utility choice models. In J.P. Doignon and J.C. Falmagne (Eds.) Mathematical Psychology: Current Developments. Springer-Verlag: New York, 1991. Pp. 109–25. |
The cores of dense exchange economies. Mathematical Social Sciences, 25, 1992, 277–292. |
(Luce, R. D., & - - -) Intrinsic archimedeanness and the continuum. Wade Savage and Philip Ehrlich (Eds.), The Nature and Purpose of Measurement, Lawrence Elbaum and Associates, 1992. Pp. 15–38. |
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(Jameson, K. A., - - -, Goldfarb, K., & Nelson, T.) The effects of near-threshold priming on metamemory. Acta Psychologica, 73, 1990, 55–85. |
(Nelson, T., & - - -) Metamemory: A theoretical framework and new findings. In G. H. Bower (Ed.) The Psychology of Learning and Motivation: Advances in Research and Theory, Vol. 26. Academic Press, 1990. Pp. 125–169. |
Meaningfulness and the Erlanger Program of Felix Klein. Mathématiques Informatique et Sciences Humaines, 101, 1988, 61–72. |
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(Luce, R. D., & - - -) Measurement, Theory of. In J. Eatwell, M. Milgate, and P. Newman (Eds.), The New Palgrave: a Dictionary of Economic Theory and Doctrine, The Macmillian Press Ltd., New York, 1987, 428–432. |
(Luce, R. D. & - - -) Measurement scales on the continuum. Science, 236, 1987, 1527–1532. |
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(Nelson, T., Leonesio, R., Landwehr, R, & - - -) A comparison of three predictors of an individual’s memory performance: The individual’s feeling of knowing vs. the normative feeling of knowing vs. base-rate item difficulty. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory & Cognition, 21, 1986, 279–287. |
(Luce, R. D. & - - -) Classification of concatenation measurement structures according to scale type. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 29, 1985, 1–72. |
(Nelson, T., Gerly, D., & - - -) Accuracy of feeling-of-knowing judgments for predicting perceptual identification and relearning. Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 113, 1984, 282–300. |
(Luce, R. D. & - - -) Classification of real measurement representations by scale type. Measurement, 2, 1984, 39-44. |
(Luce, R. D. & - - -) Symmetry, scale types, and generalizations of classical physical measurement. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 27, 1983, 44–85. |
(Falmagne, J.-C. & - - -) Scales and meaningfulness of quantitative laws. Synthese, 55, 1983, 288–325. |
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(Nelson, T., Leonesio, R. J., Shimamura, A., Landwehr, R. & - - -) Overlearning and the feeling of knowing. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 8, 1982, 279–288. |
On the scales of measurement. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 24, 1981, 249–275. |
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A general theory of ratio scalability with remarks about the measurementtheoretic concept of meaningfulness. Theory and Decision, 13, 1981, 1–70. |
(Nelson, T. & - - -) Norms of 300 general-information questions: accuracy of recall, latency of recall, and feeling-of-knowing ratings. Journal of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior, 19, 1980, 338–368. |
(Nelson, T. & - - -) A new technique for investigating the feeling of knowing. Acta Psychologica, 46, 1980, 69–80. |
On qualitative axiomatizations for probability theory. Journal of Philosophical Logic, 9, 1980, 143–151. |
A qualitative treatment of Weber’s Law. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 21, 1980, 88–91. |
(Cohen, M. & - - -) Fundamental unit structures in the theory of measurement. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 20, 1979, 193–232. |
(Luce, R. D. & - - -) Qualitative independence in probability theory. Theory and Decision, 9, 1978, 225–239. |
(Batchelder, W & - - -) A critical examination of the analysis of dichotomous data. Philosophy of Science, 44, 1977, 113–35. |
(Luce, R. D. & - - -) A qualitative equivalent to the relativistic addition law for velocities. Synthese, 33, 1976, 483–487. |
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Utility-uncertainty trade-off structures. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 13, 1976, 296–322. |
Vorstellungssysteme der Geisteskranken. In E. Weingarten, F. Sack, and J. Schenkein (eds.), Ethnomethodologie Beitrage zu einer Soziologie des Alltagshandelns, 1976, Frankfurt, Suhrkamp Verlag. |
Measurement without Archimedean axioms. Philosophy of Science, 41, 1974, 374–393. |
Minimal conditions for additive conjoint measurement and qualitative probability. Journal of Mathematical Psychology, 11, 1974, 404--430. |
Homeomorphism types of generalized metric spaces. In A. Hurd and P. Loeb, (Eds.), Victoria Symposium on Nonstandard Analysis, #369 in the series Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1972, Berlin, Springer-Verlag. |
Field embeddings of generalized metric spaces. In A. Hurd and P. Loeb, (Eds.), Victoria Symposium on Nonstandard Analysis, #369 in the series Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1972, Berlin, Springer-Verlag. |
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A nonstandard proof of the Jordan curve theorem. Pacific Journal of Mathematics, Vol. 36, No. 1, l971, 2l9–229. |
Last updated 01/2008